special projects
In our mission to collect, preserve, and share Eastern Shore history, we sometimes embark on special projects to keep our properties and programming vibrant and relevant. These projects typically require funding beyond our usual expenses supported by the spring and fall fundraising campaigns.
Special projects offer you the opportunity to designate a donation specifically toward the project of your choosing. For example, one couple funded a backyard arbor at Ker Place that we now use for weddings and other events, a source of income for Shore History. The arbor now bears a plaque with the donors' names.
The Last Plank
Thanks to generous contributors, Shore History has renovated the dock area at Onancock's Hopkins & Bro. Store. We widened the deck and built the bulkhead taller. All finger piers and pilings were replaced, and the once-snaking bulkhead stands straight. We incurred two unexpected expenses, however, and need your help to cover them. The new deck height was no longer level with the patio, creating a safety issue. We needed to integrate the deck with the patio as well as install a commercial handicap ramp. Help fund these improvements by purchasing naming rights to a dock plank.
Dash for the Sash
Our recent dock work at the wharf showed us just how much the exterior of our historic Hopkins & Bro. Store needed rehabbing. The store building and ferry ticket office were practically begging for a restoration of their exteriors and original windows. The property was abuzz with contractors as they repair, repaint, and reglazed in 2022. As we look back on the project, we need your help maintaining all of the hard work that went into restoring this community cornerstone. Your purchase of naming rights to a window will make a difference as we continue to maintain this landmark in our community.