donate today
donate online
Any donation is greatly appreciated! To make a donation online, choose a picture above corresponding to the amount you would like to give. You can donate here online as little as $25 or as much as $500. Your donations go toward the operating budget of the Historical Society and our mission to preserve, interpret, and educate about the Eastern Shore’s history and culture. We own and maintain Ker Place, historic Hopkins & Bro. Store, and Wise Cemetery.
larger donations
If you are interested in making a larger donation, please call us at 757-787-8012. We will walk you through additional higher donor levels, which are listed below, and their benefits.
donor levels
Supporter: as much as $274
Friends of the Historical Society: $275 - $499
Patron: $500 - $999
Bronze Donor: $1,000 - $4,999
Gold Donor: $5,000 - $9,999
Platinum Donor: $10,000 or more
in honor of
You may opt to make a donation in someone’s honor. In the online donation process, you will have the opportunity to designate your gift in memoriam.
designate funds
Yes, you can! You can direct your donation to go to the Annual Fund or the Capital Campaign.
by mail
You also can make a donation in any amount by mailing a check payable to ESVHS to:
Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society
P.O. Box 179
Onancock, VA 23417