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7th Annual Crab Crackin' at Ker Place

  • Ker Place 69 Market Street Onancock, Va 23417 United States (map)

Shore History’s seventh annual all-you-can-eat Crab Crackin’ at Ker Place from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16. On the front lawn of 69 Market Street, home of the Onancock landmark, Shore History will host the feast to showcase the Eastern Shore’s agricultural and aquacultural bounty. Tickets will be posted for sale soon.

The menu includes steamed crabs; steamed clams; sweet corn; barbecue; coleslaw; beer and wine (limited quantity of beer and wine included, with additional available for purchase.) The emailed order confirmation will serve as your ticket so be sure to bring it with you on Aug. 16. We can’t wait to crack some crabs with you!